Map It: The hands-on guide to strategic training design

Map It The hands-on guide to strategic

No more information dumps!

Map It helps you turn training requests into projects that make a real difference. You’ll learn how to:

  • Help the client identify what’s really causing the performance problem.
  • Determine the role (if any!) of training.
  • Create realistic activities that help people practice what they need to do, not just show what they know.
  • Choose the best format for each activity — online, projected to a group, on paper, as a small-group activity, over email…
  • Provide each activity at the best time — in the workflow, available on demand, spaced over time…
  • Let people pull the information they need to complete the activity — no more information dumps!
  • Enjoy creating challenging activities that people want to complete.
  • Show how your project has improved the performance of the organization.

Using humor and lots of examples, Map It walks you through action mapping, a visual approach to needs analysis and training design. Organizations around the world use action mapping to improve performance with targeted, efficient training.


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